In 1880 Leo XIII approved yet another scapular so familiar and widespread in the present day. In 1898 the Pope saw fit to grant to the General of the Capuchins the faculty of blessing and investing with the scapular of Saint Joseph. The scapular was approved by the Congregation of Rites on 18th April 1893 and indulgences were granted on 8th June of the same year by the Congregation of Indulgences.Saint Joseph, patron of the Church, pray for us!
The beautiful scapular is of two segments of violet coloured cloth, joined by two white cords to which are sewn two pieces of yellow-coloured material equal in size. There is a representation of St. Joseph with the Child Jesus on his right arm, and in his left a staff of lilies. Underneath is the invocation "Saint Joseph, patron of the Church, pray for us." On the other gold-coloured material is the Papal Crown (tiara), the Dove symbolising the Holy Ghost and underneath the Cross and Keys of Peter and the words "Spiritus Domini, tutor eius."
Mens Sana in Corpore Sano
Diogenes Laertius 6.2.70 (on Diogenes the Cynic; tr. R.D. Hicks):
He used to affirm that training was of two kinds, mental and bodily: the
latter being th...
7 hours ago