Saturday 6 July 2024

A Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Your prayers are requested for the freedom and flourishing of the Traditional Latin Liturgy.  For example, you could make a Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, whose feastday is the 16th of July.

A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Our Lady of Mount Carmel
O most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendour of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me this my necessity. 
O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my Mother.  
O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart, to succour me in this necessity; there are none that can withstand your power.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 times)
Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your hands. (3 times)
A Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, dated 28th June, 1852, approved by Cardinal Wiseman, Archbishop of Westminster, and enriched with indulgences can be found here.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us!

Monday 24 June 2024

Traditional Latin Mass in Armagh Cathedral 2024

The fourth Catholic Heritage pilgrimage to Armagh Cathedral will take place at 3 p.m., on Saturday, 29th June, 2024, the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, with the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass using the 1962 Roman Missal of St. John XXIII.  Reports and images of previous pilgrimages can be found here and here.

It's a great privilege and pleasure to make another pilgrimage to the See of St. Patrick, the National Apostle of the Irish, and to the magnificent St. Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh City, the seat of the Archbishops of Armagh, and Ireland's National Cathedral.

Wednesday 1 May 2024

The Irish Countryside

Take a walk in The Irish Countryside on Radio Maria Ireland, each Thursday afternoon at 4 p.m. (Irish Time), and each Sunday morning at 6 a.m. (Irish Time), after the Angelus.

Discover the occasions and opportunities of grace in God's own handiwork of Creation on a prayerful pilgrimage each week through The Irish Countryside.  Take a walk with with Bobby the Cockapoo to stop to smell the flowers.  There's a whole lot of Catholic Heritage to be discovered in The Irish Countryside.

Listen to past programmes as podcasts available here.

Radio Maria is an online radio station.  
Listen on the television: SAORVIEW Channel 210.  
Listen on the App: "Radio Maria Ireland"  
Listen online:
Listen on Facebook: "Listen Live Radio"

Get in touch by text or Whatsapp: 00 353 89 467 2000
Get in touch by telephone: 00 353 1 4123456
Get in touch by email:
Get in touch by post: The Irish Countryside, Radio Maria Ireland, Unit 8, St. Anthony's Business Park, Dublin 22, D22 R7W2.

And let us know that you're listening!

Monday 6 November 2023

All the Saints of Ireland

Listen to All the Saints of Ireland on Radio Maria Ireland, on the middle Fridays of the month (not the first and not the last Friday) at 7 p.m. (Irish Time), and the following Wednesday mornings at 2 a.m. (Irish Time), and the following Thursday evenings at 10 p.m. (Irish Time).

Based upon the awesome blog, this is the place to hear about the Saints, scholars and martyrs of Ireland, the ones you've heard about and the ones you haven't.  St. Patrick, St. Brigid and St. Colmcille are only the principal stars of this show.  There are thousands of Irish Saints in the heavenly firmament.  The Irish Martyrs who are beatified are only the best-known of our fellow Catholics who suffered for the Faith.  Learn about them, invoke them, imitate their virtues, follow them to Heaven!

Listen to past programmes as podcasts available here.

Radio Maria is an online radio station.  
Listen on the television: SAORVIEW Channel 210.  
Listen on the App: "Radio Maria Ireland"  
Listen online:
Listen on Facebook: "Listen Live Radio"

Get in touch by text or Whatsapp: 00 353 89 467 2000
Get in touch by telephone: 00 353 1 4123456
Get in touch by email:
Get in touch by post: All the Saints of Ireland, Radio Maria Ireland, Unit 8, St. Anthony's Business Park, Dublin 22, D22 R7W2.

And let us know that you're listening!

Friday 29 September 2023

From Off My Bookshelf - Irish Catholic Audio Books

From Off My Bookshelf
is a series of good Irish Catholic audio books brought to you by the Catholic Heritage Association on Radio Maria Ireland, each evening at about 9.30 p.m. (Irish Time), except First Fridays of the month.

Enjoy good Irish Catholic Literature from the comfort of your fireside.  We are beginning with the books of Patrick Augustine, Canon Sheehan, of Doneraile, Co. Cork.  His best-known book My New Curate, followed by his other books in order of publication Geoffrey Austin, Student, The Triumph of Failure, Luke Delmege, Glenanaar, Lisheen, The Blindness of Dr. Grey, The Queen's Fillet, Miriam Lucas, The Graves of Kilmorna, Tristram Lloyd.

There's a whole lot of Catholic Heritage in our Irish Catholic Literature!

Podcasts available soon, D.V.

Radio Maria is an online radio station.  
Listen on the television: SAORVIEW Channel 210.  
Listen on the App: "Radio Maria Ireland"  
Listen online:
Listen on Facebook: "Listen Live Radio"

Get in touch by text or Whatsapp: 00 353 89 467 2000
Get in touch by telephone: 00 353 1 4123456
Get in touch by email:
Get in touch by post: From Off My Bookshelf, Radio Maria Ireland, Unit 8, St. Anthony's Business Park, Dublin 22, D22 R7W2.

And let us know that you're listening!

Sunday 19 March 2023

Saint Joseph's Workshop

Listen to Saint Joseph's Workshop, brought to you by the Catholic Heritage Association on Radio Maria Ireland, on the last Fridays of the month at 7 p.m. (Irish Time), and the following Wednesday mornings at 2 a.m. (Irish Time), and the following Thursday evenings at 10 p.m. (Irish Time).

An hour of prayer and meditation for devout clients of St. Joseph or anyone who would like to get to know the original quiet man, the Spouse of Our Lady and the Foster Father of Our Lord.  There's always a warm welcome for you in Saint Joseph's Workshop!

Listen to past programmes as podcasts available here.

Radio Maria is an online radio station.  
Listen on the television: SAORVIEW Channel 210.  
Listen on the App: "Radio Maria Ireland"  
Listen online:
Listen on Facebook: "Listen Live Radio"

Get in touch by text or Whatsapp: 00 353 89 467 2000
Get in touch by telephone: 00 353 1 4123456
Get in touch by email:
Get in touch by post: Saint Joseph's Workshop, Radio Maria Ireland, Unit 8, St. Anthony's Business Park, Dublin 22, D22 R7W2.

Wednesday 1 May 2019

The Sodality of Our Lady Radio Hour

The Sodality of Our Lady Radio Hour on Radio Maria Ireland, each Friday evening at 8 p.m. (Irish Time), and each Sunday morning at 4 a.m. (Irish Time), and each Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. (Irish Time).

A prayerful hour of devotion to Our Blessed Lady and the Saints, Blesseds and heroes of her Sodality.  Pray the Little Offices, the Marian Antiphons, the feasts and privileges of Our Lady.  Material for mental prayer and meditation.  The stories, music, poetry, prayers and spirituality of the Sodality of Our Lady.

Listen to past programmes as podcasts available here.

Radio Maria is an online radio station.  
Listen on the television: SAORVIEW Channel 210.  
Listen on the App: "Radio Maria Ireland"  
Listen online:
Listen on Facebook: "Listen Live Radio"

Get in touch by text or Whatsapp: 00 353 89 467 2000
Get in touch by telephone: 00 353 1 4123456
Get in touch by email:
Get in touch by post: The Sodality of Our Lady Radio Hour, Radio Maria Ireland, Unit 8, St. Anthony's Business Park, Dublin 22, D22 R7W2.

And let us know that you're listening!

Friday 19 April 2019

The Stations of the Cross

Please pray the Stations of the Cross with the Catholic Heritage Hour on Radio Maria Ireland, each Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. (Irish Time).  

Radio Maria is an online radio station.  
Listen on the television: SAORVIEW Channel 210.  
Listen on the App: "Radio Maria Ireland"  
Listen online:
Listen on Facebook: "Listen Live Radio"

Monday 1 April 2019

The Catholic Heritage Quiz


The Catholic Heritage Quiz on Radio Maria Ireland, each Friday evening at 8 p.m. (Irish Time).

It's a Catholic general knowledge quiz brought to you by the Catholic Heritage Association of Ireland.  A fun way to share the Faith in bite-size nuggets.  You don't have to be a Saint or a scholar to take part but it couldn't hurt!

Past programmes are available as podcasts here.

Between series of the Catholic Heritage Quiz, the Sodality of Our Lady Radio Hour will be broadcast instead.

Radio Maria is an online radio station.  
Listen on the television: SAORVIEW Channel 210.  
Listen on the App: "Radio Maria Ireland"  
Listen online:
Listen on Facebook: "Listen Live Radio"

Get in touch by text or Whatsapp: 00 353 89 467 2000
Get in touch by telephone: 00 353 1 4123456
Get in touch by email:
Get in touch by post: The Catholic Heritage Quiz, Radio Maria Ireland, Unit 8, St. Anthony's Business Park, Dublin 22, D22 R7W2.

Come and quiz with us!

Sunday 17 March 2019

The Catholic Heritage Hour

The Catholic Heritage Hour on Radio Maria Ireland, each Friday afternoon at about 3.20 p.m. (Irish Time), each Monday morning at 4 a.m. (Irish Time), and each Wednesday evening at 10 p.m.

It's a radio pilgrimage through our Irish Catholic Heritage.  Saints and scholars, prelates and heroes, art and architecture, biography and liturgy, feasts and history, music and meditation, prose and poetry, brought to you by the Catholic Heritage Association of Ireland.  

Past programmes are available as podcasts here.

Radio Maria is an online radio station.  
Listen on the television: SAORVIEW Channel 210.  
Listen on the App: "Radio Maria Ireland"  
Listen online:
Listen on Facebook: "Listen Live Radio"

Get in touch by text or Whatsapp: 00 353 89 467 2000
Get in touch by telephone: 00 353 1 4123456
Get in touch by email:
Get in touch by post: The Catholic Heritage Hour, Radio Maria Ireland, Unit 8, St. Anthony's Business Park, Dublin 22, D22 R7W2.

And let us know that you're listening!

Friday 8 March 2019

Old Leighlin (Walsh)

The following is from Fr. Thomas Walsh's History of the Irish Hierarchy, published in New York in 1854, chapter xxxvii, at p. 368:

Old Leighlin Saint Gobhan founded this abbey for canons of St Augustine in the year 616 In the year 632 St Gobhan surrendered his abbey to St Laserian the son of Cairel and Blitha Laserian is said to have had fifteen hundred monks under his jurisdiction Laserian was made bishop of Leighlin He died in the year 638 and on the 18th of April AD 639 Delasse MacWinge the abbot died AD 725 Saint Manchen bishop of Leighlin died AD 767 Ernagh MacEhyn the abbot died AD 863 Manchen the abbot died AD 876 Dungall the abbot died In the year 916 Leighlin was plundered Saint Stephen's priory founded by Burchard a Norwegian captain about the year 1060 The founder was buried in the choir of the cathedral Felix was prior Philip was prior after him in the year 1304 In the following year one John was prior This priory was dissolved in the year 1432 by authority of Pope Eugene rV and the lands belonging to it were annexed to the deanery of Leighlin

Monday 4 March 2019

Stradbally (Walsh)

The following is from Fr. Thomas Walsh's History of the Irish Hierarchy, published in New York in 1854, chapter lviii, at p. 620:

Stradbally gives name to the barony In the twelfth century The O Morra founded this monastery for conventual Franciscans August 18th 1582 Queen Elizabeth was seized of this friary and all its appurtenances which consisted of besides other property three hundred and forty five acres of land in different townlands all of which were granted to Francis Cosby and his heirs at the annual rent of 17 6s 3d Irish under an obligation of finding yearly nine English horsemen to defend and maintain British supremacy In 1609 a new lease was made to Richard son of Alexander Cosby

Monday 10 December 2018

Sunday 2 December 2018

A retreat at Mount Melleray

The retreat was my first visit to Mount Melleray.  After a long drive from Dublin my first glimpse came as somewhat of a surprise, seeing it from a distance nestled on the side of the

Describe the daily programme - Early Mass celebrated by Fr. Gregory - Solemn Reqiuem Masses - Conferences - Stations of the Cross - Benediction

Fr. Winterton, Cong. Orat.

Tour of the Abbey

On Friday afternoon, while confessions were being heard in the People's Church, the other retreatants had a talk from a member of the Community about the life and spirituality of the Cistercians, as they do every year. Fr. Denis Luke spoke about the Rule of St. Benedict. Afterwards, he took them on a tour of the Abbey Church and farm yard, including the famous miraculous bin of Mount Melleray.

Saturday 28 July 2018

Pilgrimage to Borris, County Carlow

Members and friends of the Catholic Heritage Association joined together this afternoon for a Pilgrimage to Borris, County Carlow, and a Traditional Latin Mass in the beautiful Church of the Sacred Heart, at the foot of Mount Leinster, in the valley of the River Barrow eight miles upstream from Graiguenamanagh and next to Borris House, seat of the McMorrough Kavanaghs, the ancient Gaelic Kings of Leinster.  The Mass celebrated was that of the day, the feast of Saints Nazarius and Celsus, Martyrs; Victor I, Pope and Martyr; and Innocent I, Pope and Confessor.

Reports of previous Traditional Latin Masses organised by the Association to Borris can be found here: 2012, 2013, 2014.

Unfortunately, Buildings of Ireland has only a short account of the Church here.

The Parish website can be found here and the link to the webcam of the Church can be found here.

Saturday 21 July 2018

Traditional Latin Mass Pilgrimage to Strokestown

A warm welcome awaited us today in Strokestown, Co. Roscommon, the home place of the late Fr. Flanagan, our first Chaplain, today for a Traditional Latin Mass for the repose of his soul in the Parish Church of the Immaculate Conception, a towering beacon in stone standing guard over the town, on the feast of St. Lawrence of Brindisi.  Our grateful thanks to the Priests and People of Strokestown for their many kindnesses.

Buildings of Ireland has a full description of the Church here.
The online Dictionary of Irish Architects has a note of the Church here.
Reports of previous pilgrimages can be found here (2013) and here (2014)

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Latin Mass in Strokestown, Co. Roscommon

We are returning to Strokestown, Co. Roscommon, on Saturday, 21st July, 2018, for a visit to the graveyard followed by a Traditional Latin Mass in the Parish Church of the Immaculate Conception at 2 p.m.

Latin Mass in Ballyhea - Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

The next Traditional Latin Mass in St. Mary's Church, Ballyhea, Co. Cork, will be on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 16th July, at 12 noon.

Come and pray with us!

Monday 2 July 2018

Pilgrimage to Kilcock, County Kildare

Members and friends of the Catholic Heritage Association joined together last Saturday for a Traditional Latin Mass for the repose of the soul of one of our founder members.

Reports of previous Traditional Latin Masses organised by the Association in Kilcock can be found here: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017.

The Patroness of the Parish is St. Coca. You can find out more about her here.

St. Ninian of Scotland began his career in Cloncurry, also in the Parish. You can find out about his connection with Kilcock here.

Buildings of Ireland gives a detailed description of the Church of St. Coca here.

Thursday 28 June 2018

Killeigh (Walsh)

The following is from Fr. Thomas Walsh's History of the Irish Hierarchy, published in New York in 1854, chapter l, at p. 512:

Killeigh in the barony of Geashill. St. Sinchell founded this monastery for canons of St. Augustine. See Clane Co Kildare.

AD 849 died Reaghtawry abbot of Killeigh

June 28th eighteenth of Elizabeth this monastery with three messuages one hundred and twenty four acres of arable land twenty four of pasture three of meadow and four of underwood and three messuages six cottages twenty acres of arable land and seven of pasture in the town of Donfeigh in the county with the tithes were granted for ever in capite to John Lee at the yearly rent of 45s 6d.

May 16th 1578 this abbey with all its temporal possessions was granted to Gerald, Earl of Kildare, and his heirs at the yearly rent of 33s 4d with an obligation of maintaining one able horseman.

A nunnery for canonesses of St. Augustine existed here. Its erection is attributed to the Warrens but before the English settled in Ireland. This establishment was in existence. They may have repaired it Gray Friary. This house was erected in the reign of King Edward I by an O Connor as some suppose.

AD 1303 Donald O Bruin guardian of this monastery was made bishop of Clonmacnoise.

At the general suppression this abbey was granted to John Alee. Killeigh was formerly a place of note and its religious houses were amply endowed particularly the monastery of the canons regular.