The Scapular of the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title "Help of the Sick", is a black wollen cloth, having on the portion other the breast a copy of the picture in the Church of Saint Magdalen at Rome of the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of Help of the Sick, which inspired Ferdinand Vicari, a brother of the Order of Saint Camillus to found a confraternity for the poor sick under the patronage of Our Blessed Lady. The picture represents the Mother of God and at her feet Saints Joseph and Camillus, who are the other two patrons of the sick and the Confraternity. The Scapular was granted its indulgences by Pope Pius IX in 1866.Health of the sick, pray for us!
St Sebastian - the emergence of an iconography
Today is the joint feast of the martyrs St Fabian and St Sebastian.
*Wikipedia* has an account of his legend and his cult and patronage, as
well as his i...
3 hours ago