Sunday 11 December 2011

Gaudete Sunday in Kildare

The fortnightly Masses in Athy, Co. Kildare, blossomed this evening with Mass for Gaudete Sunday celebrated by the excellent Canon Wulfran Lebocq, ICR, at 5 p.m. in the Parish Church of St. Michael the Archangel.

Gaudete in Domino semper!


Cousin Vinnie said...

I have a church of the institute near me in Oakland and they do good work. Nice to see expansion in Ireland too.

Knight of Our Lady said...

Good to see the Mass of Ages spreading throughout Ireland. Just one question, are Rose vestments not required for Gaudete Sunday?

Anonymous said...

Pace your enthusiasm, the Church looks spectacularly empty based on the photos you have posted. The Numbers seem comparable with that of the Masses in Chill Mhuire, which were much criticised by your blog.
Speaking of the Chill Mhuire Masses, will you publish a chart showing attendance at the Mass in Athy in the interests of equality or arms, so to speak or do you only use statistics for those Masses you have a problem with?

Recorder said...

Dear Knight of Our Lady (a.k.a. Department Of Justice Harcourt St - IP Address:, If you look closely, the chasuble is a salmony pink with flowery decoration. It may not be your idea of pink but it's obviously someone's. However, I think you'll find that Gaudete Sunday requires vestments of the colour violet but it is possible to wear vestments of the colour of rose.

The rubric reads: "131. Paramenta coloris rosacei adhiberi possum, dominica III Adventus et dominica IV Quadragesimae, sed in Officio et Missa diei dominici tantum."

Dear Anonymous 15:52 (a.k.a. Department Of Justice Harcourt St - IP Address:, apparently you found another question. The numbers are hidden behind the wall of the transept, and while they may seem comparable the situation is not. Surely, there can be no "equality of arms" where one has walked off the field. However, I bow to the Department of Justice (and Defence) on the question of arms.

Our enthusiasm will not be pace-d! Gaudeamus omnes!

Servant of the Infant King said...

God's blessings upon Ireland and its children who have welcomed these holy priests into their churches and communities.

JTS said...

This was my second one of these Masses. The Institute Priests are charming men and they have a really Christian love for the people who attend. I never felt that at the Cill Muire Masses.
I do agree that the Church looks spectacularly empty. That's not because you can't see the congregation but because you can see the essential structure of the building. I never noticed that the design of the dome is mirrored in the design of the extension of the sanctuary. It looks really well from that angle.
The set-up is far better than in Newbridge and I'm looking forward to it flourishing.

Anonymous said...

Nasty comments say more about the commentor than anything. Pity he can't just wish them well. Knight of Our Lady? Ann F.

True Knight of Our Lady said...

The only ground for just complaint is the calcification of the red bricks and mortar. I applaud the efforts of the people of Kildare for the Mass of Ages and I applaud the Institute of Christ the King. Sad to hear how vitriolic are some traditional Catholics against this wonderful order.

Veronica Lane said...

I think we can afford to be a little indulgent of poor anon. It could be that he (I suspect it is a he) just isn't used to services on side altars. It is a common enough thing in the church that I attend but most Novus Ordo Catholics are still subjected to the Jansenist obsession with a single central altar even when a small congregation is lost in a large nave.

Charlie said...

I hope Department of Justice feels ashamed for his misuse of the combox. Excelsior!

Plunkett said...

Yes. Rejoice indeed!

Dodger said...

When is the next one of these masses? I'd be interested in taking a trip down.