Saturday 15 October 2011

The ones that got away - Mayo


Bizzy Izzy said...

This blog always gets my attention. Well presented posts that are informative and spiritual are always a favourite with me. Regards,


PFM said...

I pray to the blessed Karl of Austria-Hungary every day. He is an example to all who suffer sickness or exile or persecution.

Quis ut Deus said...

Looks like a lovely chapel. Gotta give it to you guys that this blog is still puttin it out there for Catholic heritage. Love the new clock.

Phographic Mementos said...

The windows in Doonan and Mayo are both really interesting. Thanks for bringing them to the blogging world. I've copied one and use it as my wallpaper.

Jessie said...

That blue picture of the Blessed Virgin is just amazing. I hope that Kathleen Doyle is remembered in everyones prayers.