Since it has not provided a weekly Sunday Mass in the Gregorian Rite, the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin does not feature in the statistics that I referred to yesterday. However, that does not fully reflect the situation in the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin since Summorum Pontificum.
As already mentioned, the International Federation Una Voce is compiling a third annual report on the implementation of Summorum Pontificum for the Holy See to coincide with the third anniversary of its coming into force, and to coincide with the returns that every Diocese in the World has been asked to make to the Holy See to coincide with that third anniversary.
We have already provided details of the groundwork for the Gregorian Rite in the Diocese, the progress of the Gregorian Rite in the Diocese, and the interest in the Gregorian Rite in the Diocese. All these can be summarised as follows.
Before Summorum Pontificum
Before Summorum Pontificum, St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association had been consistently requesting for more than a decade, the provision of Mass in the Gregorian Rite on Sundays and Holydays. One single Mass was permitted in the Gregorian Rite each year in one Parish (Kildare Town).
After Summorum Pontificum
-Regular Masses-
Immediately following Summorum Pontificum, seven Parish-based groups of members of St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association requested that Mass in the Gregorian Rite be provided in their Parishes on Sundays and Holydays. The result was a single monthly Mass provided in one Parish (Newbridge) a year later.
At least one other group requested Mass in the Gregorian Rite be provided in their Parish (Carlow Town) on Sundays and Holydays. No Mass was provided in response to that request.
That is, of the 56 Parishes of the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin, 8 Parishes, or ONE SEVENTH of the Parishes in the Diocese, have received requests for the provision of a Sunday and Holyday Mass. NOT ONE has acceeded to those requests. Only one has made any provision at all for a regular Mass (monthly in Newbridge). The annual Mass continues (in Kildare Town).
-Occasional Masses-
Of the 56 Parishes of the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin, 24 Parishes (including most of the 8 Parishes above) have received requests for single once-off Masses in the Gregorian Rite. Of those, 10 have given permission for single once-off Masses in the Gregorian Rite. However, of those 10, once-off sometimes meant just that and subsequent requests were refused or ignored.
That is, of the 56 Parishes of the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin, 10 Parishes, or ONE FIFTH of the Parishes in the Diocese have tolerated (with varying degrees of hospitality or hostility) Mass in the Gregorian Rite at least once since Summorum Pontificum. Of the 56 Parishes in the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin, at least 14 Parishes, or ONE QUARTER of the Parishes in the Diocese WILL NOT TOLERATE even a single Mass to be celebrated there, even since Summorum Pontificum.
NLM Quiz #25: Where Does This Vestment Come From, And How Is It Used?
Can you guess where and how this vestment is used? I have two hints to
offer: 1. It belongs to the current liturgical season. 2. It is not being
used in an...
3 hours ago
What is the PCED doing about this Diocese?
To be fair, my understanding is that only a very smal handful of people attended most of these masses, with the exception of the annual mass. Can you provide any information about the attendance figures?
Fair play, 'Fair Play,'
If you check the links in the post, especially the one below, you'll see that the monthly Mass has a very low attendance by any standards but that the other Masses have a reasonable attendance.
Other than the monthly Masses, the lowest attendance was 35 for a Mass on a Friday evening at 6 p.m. last September. That Mass happened to be organised by St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association in the same Church as the monthly Masses.
The others bounce between 40 and 80 for the most part but there have been occasional blips such as the Mass in Carlow Cathedral on 1st May where at least 250 people attended.
God bless you!
Its so sad that nobody is taking the Pope's words seriously. Disobeying the Pope is what has the Church in the mess it is in.
Fair Play has a fair point. There is no point looking for more Masses when the ones that there are are badly attended. I've read Very Annoyed's comments on another post and she seems to think that it is wrong to criticise a 10-strong congregation. It isn't fair to criticise the people who go but it is fair to say that it is a bad attendance.
You think thats bad? Waterford... 0 zip zilch nil nada nothin
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