However, one element of the pilgrimage above all made it a most blessed occasion, the presence of His Eminence Seán, Cardinal Brady, Archbishop Emeritus of Armagh, to celebrate the Mass. In his homily, Cardinal Brady reminded the congregation that the Traditional Latin Mass had been the Mass of his Altar service, of his First Communion and Confirmation, and of his Ordination and his First Mass. He also reminded us that this day, the feast of St. John the Baptist, was his own feast day. Cardinal Brady is to attend the Consistory on 28th June with Our Holy Father, Pope Francis. His Eminence was assisted by Fr. Aidan McCann, C.C., who was ordained in the Cathedral only two years ago. It was a great privilege and joy for the members and friends of the Catholic Heritage Association to share so many grace-filled associations with Cardinal Brady and Fr. McCann and the Armagh Cathedral community.
St Sebastian - the emergence of an iconography
Today is the joint feast of the martyrs St Fabian and St Sebastian.
*Wikipedia* has an account of his legend and his cult and patronage, as
well as his i...
6 hours ago