Listen to the Catholic Heritage Hour on Radio Maria Ireland on Fridays at 3.15 p.m.
Venerable Father John Sullivan SJ
Born: 8 May 1861, Received into the Catholic Church: 21 December 1896, Received into the Sodality of Our Lady: 22 December 1896, Entered Society of Jesus: 7 September 1900, Ordained Priest: 28 July 1900, Died 19 February 1933.
Mixed Marriages
Tacitus, *Germania* 46.1 (tr. Herbert W. Benario):
By mixed marriages they are getting to look like the Sarmatians in their
coarse appearance.
conubiis ...
Hospitalized Francis announces Vatican III
"Vatican III" as in a new "Ecclesial Assembly" called upon as part of the
"synodal process":Pope approves convocation of post-synodal Ecclesial
Assembly in...
Skeletons from Stirling Castle
I came upon a new video from the *History Hit* website about the
interpretation of three skeletons found in what appears to be the site of
the original ch...
St Patrick: Who he was and how he was Honoured
To mark the feast of Saint Patrick, below is an 1894 article syndicated in
the Australian press looking at our national patron and the ways in which
The Prophetic Aspect of Religious life.
This conference was given on the occasion of the Religious Profession of
Brother Francisco Maria of the Hidden jesus, in Christchurch on the Feast
of St...
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
In today’s episode, on the First Sunday of Lent, I address the Precepts of
the Church, with an emphasis on the laws of fasting and abstinence, and
Omnium Sanctorum Hiberniae is on the Move!
I am currently in the process of moving the blog to WordPress from where
future posts will be made. The blog will continue as Omnium Sanctorum
FIUV Universal Ordo for 2025
The Federation's own Ordo, giving the Mass to be said every day of the year
according to the Universal Calendar (1962), is now available as a pdf
Saint Gabriel
The angels call for our veneration and awe as part of God’s creation. Part
of the destructive modernism of the 1970s included advice to Catholic
school t...
Tos Quinn / Dr. O'Neill's medical practice
The relentless march of time each day brings changes to our lives. Some for
the better which are welcomed but there are also many unwelcomed events
which l...
Abbey of St. Mary le Hogges, Dublin (Walsh)
From Walsh's *History of the Irish Hierarchy: **With the Monasteries of
Each County, Biographical Notices of the Irish Saints, Prelates, and
Walsh Ecclesiastical History Diocese of Cork
CHAPTER XXI SEE OF CORK Its founder St Barr or Finbarr is supposed to have
been raised to the episcopacy about the be...
From Thomas Walsh's *History of the Irish Hierarchy*:
Lismullen in the barony of Skrine about two miles north of Tarah Alicia
sister to Richard de la Corn...
I have for a number of years begun my day with an act of thanksgiving to
God for all that He has done for me beginning with creating me and then
calling m...
Prayer and Reality
[image: Image result for kneeling "low Mass"]
"It is not the healthy who need a physician but the sick"
Jesus is supposed to be our Saviour but most of us...
Walsingham was the right place for clergy of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of
Walsingham to meet the three Ordinaries of Australia, the US and Canada,
and o...
The Battle for the Shire
A devout and good young man is keen to join the Society of St Pius X. I can
understand that. I have always wanted to be simply a priest as Catholic
"I Will Be His Spouse"
This evening we celebrated Holy Mass in my parish for the repose of Mother
Angelica. For your information, here is the text of the homily I delivered
Caritas Christi Urget Nos
This report published by Gregory Dipippo at *New Liturgical Movement* is
great and especially significant for quoting the mother of the altar boys
candid ...
Diaconate Ordinations 2015
The Irish Province of the Dominicans rejoiced at the ordination to the
Diaconate of six of its student brothers. Br's David McGovern, Damian
Polly, Ronan C...
Pope Benedict XVI leaves Rome
Here are some photos taken from the Vatican Player.
The helicopter waits Pope Benedict.
A Swiss Guard awaits the Pope's departure.
Pope Benedict leaves th...
Cathedrals of Canada - 5. Baie-Comeau
The Diocese of Baie-Comeau in Québec is another of the remarkably small
Dioceses of Canada with an overwhelmingly Catholic (98%) population it
still muster...
FSSP Vocations discernment weekend
Vocation discernment weekend
27-29 July 2012 in Reading:
For any English-speaking Catholic men between 18 and 35 years of age (under
18 please contact us...
This Blog is now officially closed. I simply don't have time to maintain it
anymore. I hope you enjoyed the photos I provided over the years. It's been
Pace della coscienza dopo una buona Confessione
[Brano tratto dal libretto "Piccolo mese di San Giuseppe" del Sac. Luigi
Bo, 1929].
*Mentre il P. Barri della Compagnia di Gesù scriveva un libro per
Pastorale? Ecco qua!
*Riceviamo e pubblichiamo*
11 febbraio 2025, Madonna di Lourdes
*Vorrei condividere con voi questo grande dolore che porta il mio cuore!* *Conosco
e vi...
La Compagnia dei Sacerdoti di San Sulpizio
La Compagnia dei Sacerdoti di San Sulpizio, fondata nel 1642 dal venerabile
Jean-Jacques Olier (1608-1657), si proponeva la formazione del clero nei
A Calcata, dove nasce e si coltiva la creatività
Mi sono chiesto più volte perché pittori, scultori, grafici, musicisti,
attori ed anche architetti (fra questi Paolo Portoghesi) abbiano scelto di
vivere a...
!Viva Cristo Rey! Sean derrotados satanas, sus huestes y sus servidores en
este valle de lagrimas.
!Que reinen Cristo y Maria!
Un Papa eretico?
Non mi hanno mai appassionato le dispute sull’eventualità di un Papa
eretico. Perché? Forse perché pongono un caso che non può darsi nella
realtà? No, no...
San Atanasio: "Jamás ha sucedido nada semejante"
*“El hombre se levantó para marchar junto con su concubina y su siervo,
cuando su suegro, el padre de la joven, le dijo: -Mira que el día ya
declina haci...
13 de Novembro: data simbólica ou coincidência?
Embora desconheça qualquer referência a esta matéria por parte dos *mujahideen
*e seus apologistas, foi assinalado por alguns observadores da *jihad *global...
Muebles Camobel Online
La gran tienda online Camobel se presenta como una alternativa inmejorable
cuando hay que amueblar toda o parte de nuestra vivienda. En Camobel
podremos o...