It is with great pleasure that we convey to you news from the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest, that a regular Latin Mass is now established at Knock Shrine. The first one will be offered this coming next Sunday, 20th February in the Parish Church at 6 pm. Celebrant will be Msgr. Gilles Wach, Prior General of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.
Our Lady, Queen of Ireland, pray for us!
I love the shrines of the Virgin Mother and I really want to visit Knock. It always seems to me to be the most beautiful apparition in many ways. Praise God for this new development.
This notice is inaccurate. The Institute have a quarterly mass and the monthly Latin mass is orgaanised by the Latin Mass Society of Ireland. Please correct this factually incorrect information
We would never differ about factually incorrect information with the man who spells his name with a j and a small first letter.
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