Saturday 24 April 2010

Making the News (Part 7)

Another highlight of the year, to judge by the frequency with which it appears in the Pathé archive, is the annual meeting of the Catholic Truth Society.

Dante and the Church. The Most Reverend Dr. Codd, Reverend R. Fleming, Count Plunkett and other distinguished Clergy who read papers at the Catholic Truth Society Conference in 1921.

Catholic Truth Conference 1923. Mr Kevin O'Higgins delivers address at the Mansion House, Dublin. Ireland.

His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin, and other members of Irish Hierarchy, who are taking part in the Catholic Truth Conference in Dublin, 1926.

Catholic Truth Week 1928. Members meet at Mansion House Dublin for their annual conference.


Anonymous said...

and to think that the CTSI has become Veritas...

Rad Trad said...

"and to think that the CTSI has become Veritas..."

Oh my goodness! Is this true?

If so, it is truly shocking.

Convenor said...

Pace Rad Trad! As far as I know, (in vino) 'Veritas' was founded in 1928 as the commercial arm of the CTSI.

The Veritas website tells us that, in 1967, the Catholic Communications Centre was founded (the Booterstown Office) and in 1969, the CTSI was absorbed into it to form the Catholic Communications Institute, Veritas Publications being establshed in its own right at that time.

It's first independent publication was 'Patrick In His Own Words' by Bishop Joseph Duffy.

I think the mistake we often make is in assuming that something that we may not like appeared out of nowhere, whereas, in fact, most are simply excellent things slowly gone awry.

God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on an interesting site.


Donnelly's Hollow said...

Do they still organize these conferences?

Convenor said...

Good question Des. Do these conferences take place anymore? Of course, instead of Dante and the Church, it would be Rowling and the faith community, but it would be interesting to know if they still happen or when they ceased.

Anonymous said...

Really good post. Pity the videos can't be embedded properly.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rad Trad about how shocking it is to see what we have lost. We don't notice when we are going thru the changes but it is stunning to think of the contrast. Joe Mac