Saturday, 8 January 2011

Fourth Monthly Mass in St. Joseph's Church, Berkeley Road

Ever since October 2010 there has been a monthly Extraordinary Form Mass in St. Joseph's Church on Berkeley Road Dublin 7 that is staffed by the Discalced Carmelites. It is celebrated at 12 noon on the second Saturday every month. The whole Church is beautiful but the Extraordinary Form Mass is celebrated at the stunning side altar of Our Lady.


Just a Girl said...

It is a beautiful church and I would encourage other readers to attend this Mass.

Anonymous said...

I knew that Church well when I lived in Dublin. Great to see the EF form celebrated there.

Vincent C said...

This is a really impressive building. From what I can see the rail is intact. The Altar has panels of the visitation, nativity, coronation of Mary, and the window above has the annunciation. What a perfect decorateive scheme. Good stuff!

Rad Trad said...

The pictures are wonderful! I didn't know this Mass was taking place.
Any chance of posting a map of the location from Google Maps, as I am not sure where this is? Thanks.

Donnelly's Hollow said...

I went up to the first Mass. It's a fantastic church just in front of the Mater Hospital and directly up from O'Connell Street only you have to go up around by Parnell Square and across and over to the right.

Jim'll Fix It! said...

The friends of the people are not the reformers or the revolutionaries but the men of tradition.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see more of the rest of the Church. I'm also unfamiliar with it. The pictures and lovely and the whole scene is beautifully coordinated. Dubliners should be very proud of their Churches. Wherever you turn in Dublin it looks like another lovely Church is there.

Fitzy said...

Yeah! we have a really nice church but its kinda 50s style instead of this.

Philly said...

Fantastic pictures. You are very privileged to be able to assist at Mass here. Thanks to the Rector of this Church and all involved!