The December, 2011, issue of the twice-yearly journal of St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association is now available. You can subscribe to CHRISTVS REGNAT by e-mailing here. CHRISTVS REGNAT is also available for download here.
The following articles are found in the Fifth Volume, Number Two, for the feast of the Immaculate Conception, 2011:
A thorough history of one of the finest Churches in the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin and its outstanding founder.
An examination of one of the least well-known Uses of the Roman Rite.
Extracted from a sermon by Msgr. Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, giant of the golden age of French pulpit oratory.
The life and works of one of the first beams of the dawn of the Victorian medieval revival and the great flood of 19th Century converts.
An essay on the structure of tradition and its significance for todays traditional Catholics.
An insightful and illuminating speculation upon the significance of the traditional structure of the Holy Rosary, with reference to Sacred Scripture and modern Marian apparitions.
A current Seminarian's insights into Seminary life and the significance of Seminary routine for the formation of Priestly identity.