On Saturday, 23rd May, 2009, at 12 noon, St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association is organising a Requiem Mass in the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Skeoghvosteen, Graiguenamanagh, Co. Kilkenny, for the 40th Anniversary of the death of Bishop Thomas Keogh of Kildare and Leighlin, b. 1884, consec. 1936, d. 1969.

Where is Skeoghvosteen? Is it easy to get there from Waterford? No Latin Mass here.
A holy and a wholesome thing to pray for the dead.
Im going to try to get to both but I cant find Skoghvosteen on the map. C'mon St. Conleth's. Where is it?
Jim H
I found Vicarstown last Sunday. Its off the motorway at the Mountmellick/Portarlington stop only you head south. Its a straight road but its a long one. Maybe its a metaphor.
Vicarstown is on the Grand Canal. The church there is a chapel-of-ease of the Parish of Stradbally, right next to Portlaoise. The churches of that Parish are really beautiful compared with any in the surrounding parishes. Vicarstown is a real gem and has even held on to some of its altar rails. If the new altar wasnt solid stone and directly in front of the old altar it would be ideal for a regular Mass. Maybe Im wrong and it is ideal.
AT LAST!!! A map! Well dont St. Conleth's. It looks great. How did you manage it?
Jim H
I found Vicarstwn too. I kept thinking someone's done a bunk with this place. Its a very long road down from the M7 turnoff
One of our members has CAD (Computer Aided Design) and did the map with that.
It is rather nifty. I hope it helps.
God bless!
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