Sunday 24 June 2012

Vigil of St. John the Baptist in Kildare

St. Conleth's Association celebrated the vigil of the nativity of St. John the Baptist by making its annual pilgrimage to Monasterevin. St. John is almost unique in having a feast to mark his earthly birth. Only Jesus and Mary have such feasts celebrated in the Church's calendar.

It was lovely to see so many people for our second visit to Monasterevin. Thanks to the Parish Priest for such a warm welcome. The Church is very lovely. If you'd like to find out more about the history of the Church you can find some information on the report of last year's Mass. 

The Association gained several new members after Mass. As the celebrant was a Capuchin Priest, he blessed Scapulars of Saint Joseph after Mass and distributed them to those present. Many people did not seem aware of the history of the scapular, which can be found here. It was great to hear the positive feedback on the choir. It would be lovely to have some more singers if anybody else was thinking of getting involved.


  1. I was there on Saturday and I really want to say that everything about it was so beautiful and so spiritual. Mary Mulloy

  2. Congratulations on a magnificent celebration in the traditional style. I'm mightily impressed by the whole visual aspect of this occasion. It has a wonderful balance and dignity about it.

  3. I'm also very impressed by your use of the scapular to st. joseph. I never heard of it but it's clearly another aspect of Catholic heritage that you're working hard to restore.
