Wednesday 7 July 2010

Summorum Pontificum - Tres Abhinc Annos

I remember where I was the day that the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum was issued. The rumours of an Apostolic Letter freeing the Latin Mass had been flying around since the reign of John Paul II. There had been many false hopes raised. Would this be another one?

I was kneeling in the Chapel of Cardinal Newman's University Church, Dublin. The Sodality of Our Lady had received permission for a monthly Latin Mass a few months earlier from the Archbishop. At 11 a.m. on Saturday, 7th July, 2007, the first Mass was celebrated. We had just begun singing the Kyrie when a text came through from a friend in Rome - I know what you're going to say but I think you'll excuse me this once for having my mobile on in Church - that at 12 noon Rome time, 11 a.m. Irish time, the long awaited Charter for the Restoration of the Latin Mass had been published.

Deo Gratias!


  1. Gareth O'Flaherty9 July 2010 at 11:08

    I too remember where I was; the exact same place as you! It seems like a lifetime ago.

  2. 'Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis,' as the poet says.

  3. O Tempora! O Mores! (Cicero) ;-)

  4. Interesting that the ABP gave permission before the Motu Proprio. Did he know what was in the wind or was he just a decent Pastor?
