Sunday 16 November 2008

Mass in Stamullen, Co. Meath

Fr. David Jones, O.Praem., of Duleek, Co. Meath, has just advised us that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered in the Gregorian Rite (1962 Missal) every Sunday from the First Sunday of Advent at 10.45 a.m. in the Visitation Convent, Stamullen, Co. Meath.

Fr. Jones preaching in Emo

This Visitation Convent is located in what was formerly Silverstream House, built about 150 years ago as a dower house to the Preston family of Gormanston Castle. In 1941 it passed to the Order of St. John of God and in 1955, they passed it to the Visitation Nuns. This first Irish foundation at Silverstream was led by Mother Theresa O'Dwyer, with 8 sisters, 3 sisters from America and 5 from England. It was a foundation of the Visitation Convent in Snellville, Georgia, USA.

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal

The Congregation of the Visitation was founded on Trinity Sunday, 6th June, 1610, by St. Francis de Sales, Bishop of Geneva, and Baroness, later Saint, Jane Francis de Chantal, seen here in the traditional habit, including the barbette or white wimple that is still a part of the habit of Visitation Nuns today.

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
Receives the Vision of the Sacred Heart

The Visitation Order was privileged to receive, through one of its members, Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, the revelation of Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In the same regard, we can say that Fr. Jones also advises that a High Mass is celebrated at the Hermitage in Duleek, Co. Meath, every First Friday at 12 noon.

To the Sacred Heart of Jesus, thanks; to the Visitation Sisters of Stamullen, blessings; to Father Jones, many years; to the Mass on Sundays at 10.45 a.m., much fruit!


  1. This is wonderful news! God bless the Visitation nuns for allowing their chapel to be used. May God grant them many holy vocations.
    God bless Fr Jones! I was at his Mass in Emo and he is a humble and holy priest.
    As a father, his words on the domestic church were most meaningful.
    It can only be for the good that so many Masses in the forma extraordinaria are now being offered in Ireland.

  2. congratulations to Peadar Laigheis of the Latin Mass Society of Ireland Fr Jones for organising this Mass

  3. Delighted to post this last comment. As the Bard says in Henry IV Part 1, render to each his due.

  4. I'm delighted to here such uplifting news. And may we see many more Latin Masses in the future!

  5. Dont you mean...

    "...he will give the devil his due.". Henry IV Part1 Act I Scene II

    Maybe you meant...

    "The better part of valour is discretion..." Henry IV Part1 Act V Scene IV

  6. As a 75 year old man, I just say thank God I have lived to see the return of the Latin Mass. This I believe is what Ireland needs today, and may God bless all those who are involved in making it available to us.
