Friday 6 June 2008

Aims of St. Conleth’s Catholic Heritage Association

  • 1: To work as a lay Catholic movement for an organic restoration of the Liturgy in conformity with its nature and with the Latin tradition.
  • 2: To ensure that the traditional Roman Catholic Mass as codified in the Missale Romanum edited by Pope John XXIII in 1962 is maintained both in practice and in law as one of the forms of Eucharistic celebration, which are recognized and honoured, in universal liturgical life.
  • 3: To obtain freedom of use for all other Roman liturgical books enshrining previous liturgical disciplinary forms of the Latin tradition.
  • 4: To safeguard and promote the use of Latin, Gregorian chant and sacred polyphony in the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
  • 5: To encourage the establishment of non-territorial parishes and or chaplainces in which only the liturgical books used in 1962 are employed.
  • 6: To serve the Church by helping the members of the movement and through their apostolate all the Christifideles better to understand and more fully participate in the Catholic liturgy as a sacred action.

1 comment:

  1. Living in the states and not in Ireland, I will likely never run into any of you... however be assured that my prayers are with you. I posted the link to your blog on Fr. Z's Blog (they were having trouble locating you!). Hope all goes well in your corner of the world.

    Deo Gratia
