After the success of the Traditional Mass on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, the Parish of Celbridge, Co. Kildare, has decided to have another Traditional Mass at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, 6th January, the feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord.
Well done Celbridge!
Well done Celbridge!
Excellent news. Any idea who is the Priest?
Keep 'em coming. The Irish people are starving for the true Mass!
The Celebrant will be Fr. James Larkin (of Rathangan at Hallowe'en and Celbridge on 8th December fame).
God bless you!
Amen Seán!
The example of Celbridge should be taken up by every Parish in the Country. We need more Celbridges and more Dioceses like Dublin.
Sadly, due to extreme weather conditions, which prevented Fr. Larkin from travelling to Celbridge, the Parish was forced to cancel the Latin Mass this evening. Hopefully, there will be another time soon.
Thanks God to have a site like this one!.
My afecction from Argentina,Buenos aires.
God Bless you
Why was the Mass cancelled in the snow? It wasn't that bad. I'm sure many people would still have turned out.
I hope you will keep us in contact with developments in Celbridge. It is very important for Dublin to spread the treasures of tradition outside the city.
Kildare is starting to wake?
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